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There are no right or wrong reasons to begin a yoga practice. We all come into our first class with different intentions. Many of us begin our journey from a purely physical point of view: we want to lose weight, tone up, be more flexible. This is how I began my journey into yoga. This is great.


Some of us come looking for a more spiritual experience, wanting to move into greater mindful awareness in our day-to-day lives. This is great.


Some of us might get dragged along to a class by a friend or loved one. Some of us might have no idea why we stumble into yoga at all; it somehow just happens. This is all great.


There doesn't have to be a reason and we soon learn that there is always more than simply one benefit to our yoga practice and that these benefits run far deeper than we might initially realise.


So why should you start? I could provide you with a list of all the physical, mental and phsychological benefits of a yoga practice. I could tell you to read this book or that book which would tell you how yoga will change your life forever. But I won't.


What I will say is that yoga has changed my life and it continues to change it. So, I suppose that's as good a reason to start as any. 



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